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  • I recommend you to follow the current guide that's not on the Archive
I'm aware that this is an Archive (click here)

Setup: VN on PC

  • Textractor is a tool used to extract text from Visual Novels

  • Clipboard Inserter is used to copy and paste the text extracted by Textractor into a Texthooker page where you can use Yomitan to scan the words and mine it into Anki


Clipboard Inserter

Set the System Locale - JP

  • This is required for Visual Novel to run
Set: System Locale - JP (click here)
  1. In your PC, press Win + R key

  2. Type intl.cpl > enter

  3. Administrative > Change System Locale... > Japanese (Japan) > Restart your PC

    • This doesn't affect your language on PC

    System Locale JP

Setup: Textractor

    • 99% of the time x86 is better
    • You can also create a shortcut or pin it to your taskbar

    Open the Textractor folder > x86 > Textractor

    Textractor App

  1. Open Textractor app and check Extensions, if something is missing from my list, you can drag it from the folder into the extension window

    Textractor Extensions

  2. Open your Visual Novel then on your Textractor > Attach to game > Find your Visual Novel

    • Sometimes it is named engine, not actual VN name e.g. SiglusEngine
    • It should look like this after attaching


  3. On your Visual Novel, play it so it can generate the text from the game, after 1-2 dialogues, check back on your Texthooker and find a suitable hooked text from the drop-down menu

  4. If it's working properly it should look like this:

    • Click Save hook(s) if everything is alright

Textractor Working

Visual Novel Sample

It is now texthooking, proceed to Clipboard Inserter to be able to use the text from Textractor and use Yomitan on it

Setup: Clipboard Inserter

  1. Go to chrome://extensions or edge://extensions or about:addons(firefox) and go to Clipboard Inserter extension settings

  2. Make sure for:

    • Chrome/Edge: Allow access to file URLs is enabled
    • Firefox: Access your data for all websites is enabled

    Chrome/Edge URL Access

    Firefox Yomitan Access to all websites

  3. Go to Textractor 5.2.0 folder and open texthooker page

    Texthooker PC Page

  4. Turn on Clipboard Inserter Extension by clicking on it at the Texthooker Page located at the top right

    Clipboard Inserter

  5. If working as intended it should paste anything you copy or from textractor:

    • You can now use Yomitan on it

    Texthooker Working

Now that the Clipboard Inserter is working, let's proceed on knowing how to play Visual Novel on Android

Proceed to VN on Android Setup

If you have any problems check FAQs or contact me on Discord: xelieu

Extra Info and Tips

Info 1: Finding the proper texthook

Finding the proper texthook (click here)
  • Some VNs is hard to hook, messed and/or missing text, on which case you need to manually find a hook(video guide) or search the internet for one (e.g. Riddle Joker hookcode) then add hook > save hook

  • Some VNs problem is the version itself, you'll be safe using JP only version rather than steam/multi-language versions

Info 2: Using Regex to remove unnecessary text

Using Regex to remove unnecessary text (click here)
  • When all text is present but there is unnecessary unwanted text, you need to use regex filter which is usually on the 2nd tab of Textractor

  • For regex you need some techy knowledge or search around for a specific VN

Info 3: Setting the dialogue speed to max to prevent missing text

Setting the dialogue speed to max to prevent missing text (click here)
  • Some Visual Novels are sensitive, and that it will only textract a portion of its text since the dialogue appeared slowly
    • Max up the dialogue speed in the VN settings

Tip 1: Getting Visual Novels

Getting Visual Novels (click here)

To get VNs, search around the web, go to nyaa or discord servers that have them or BUY them

  • If you pm me, I can give you more details