- I recommend you to follow the current guide that's not on the Archive
I'm aware that this is an Archive (click here)
Updating: Anki JPMN Note
- This is how to update
to fix bugs or just get an actual update - If you are updating from base
Aquafina JPMN
version, see Transfer Lazy Setup to JPMN
Update Watcher
If you didn't update on or before the following dates, please update:
: 2025-01-01 - jp-mining-note: v0.12.0.0-prerelease-19- Delete old JPMN Manager, install the new one
AJT Japanese
: 2024-01-19
This is just to confirm you are at the latest, you can always update anytime regardless of what is written here
Download and Install
- Make sure JPMN Manager and AJT Japanese is updated
- If there's an
, restart your Anki
In your Anki:
Ctrl + Shift + A
>Check for add-ons update
Make sure you're using the proper JPMN Manager
- Make sure you have the new version:
JPMN Manager with prereleases New Version
- Remove the old version:
JPMN Manager with prereleases
Updating the JPMN Format
In your Anki's toolbar:
>JPMN Manager
>Check for note updates
(If there is) > Update jp-mining-note (Follow the instructions) -
Updating AJT Japanese
In your Anki
Ctrl + Shift + A
>Check for add-ons update
> if there's update, restart Anki -
Ctrl + Shift + A
>AJT Japanese
>View Files
Open the
(edit with notepad) then copy and paste the config below:AJT Japanese Config (click here)
{ "cache_lookups": 1024, "last_file_save_location": "", "profiles": [ { "name": "Add furigana for sentence", "note_type": "JP Mining Note", "source": "Sentence", "destination": "SentenceReading", "mode": "furigana", "split_morphemes": true, "triggered_by": "focus_lost,toolbar_button,note_added,bulk_add", "overwrite_destination": false }, { "name": "Add furigana for word -- UNUSED BY jp-mining-note", "note_type": "AJT_JAPANESE_IGNORE_PROFILE", "source": "VocabKanji", "destination": "VocabFurigana", "mode": "furigana", "split_morphemes": false, "triggered_by": "focus_lost,toolbar_button,note_added,bulk_add", "overwrite_destination": false }, { "name": "Add pitch accent for word", "note_type": "JP Mining Note", "source": "Word", "destination": "AJTWordPitch", "mode": "pitch", "split_morphemes": false, "output_format": "html", "triggered_by": "focus_lost,toolbar_button,note_added,bulk_add", "overwrite_destination": false }, { "name": "Add audio for word -- UNUSED BY jp-mining-note", "note_type": "AJT_JAPANESE_IGNORE_PROFILE", "source": "VocabKanji", "destination": "VocabAudio", "mode": "audio", "split_morphemes": false, "triggered_by": "focus_lost,toolbar_button,note_added,bulk_add", "overwrite_destination": false } ], "pitch_accent": { "lookup_shortcut": "Ctrl+8", "output_hiragana": false, "kana_lookups": true, "skip_numbers": true, "reading_separator": "・", "word_separator": "、", "blocklisted_words": "こと,へ,か,よ,ん,だ,び,の,や,ね,ば,て,と,た,が,に,な,は,も,ます,から,いる,たち,てる,う,ましょ,たい,する,です,ない", "maximum_results": 100, "discard_mode": "discard_extra", "style": "none" }, "furigana": { "skip_numbers": true, "prefer_literal_pronunciation": false, "reading_separator": ", ", "blocklisted_words": "人", "mecab_only": "彼,猫,首,母,顔,木,頭,私,弟,空,体,行く", "maximum_results": 1, "discard_mode": "discard_extra" }, "context_menu": { "generate_furigana": true, "to_katakana": true, "to_hiragana": true, "literal_pronunciation": true, "look_up_word": true }, "toolbar": { "generate_all_button": { "enabled": false, "shortcut": "Alt+P", "text": "入" }, "regenerate_all_button": { "enabled": false, "shortcut": "Alt+;", "text": "再" }, "furigana_button": { "enabled": false, "shortcut": "", "text": "振" }, "hiragana_button": { "enabled": false, "shortcut": "", "text": "平" }, "clean_furigana_button": { "enabled": false, "shortcut": "", "text": "削" }, "audio_search_button": { "enabled": false, "shortcut": "", "text": "検" }, "add_definition_button": { "enabled": false, "shortcut": "", "text": "意" } }, "audio_sources": [ { "enabled": false, "name": "NHK-2016", "url": "https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/nhk_2016_pronunciations_index/releases/download/v1.2/NHK_main.zip" }, { "enabled": false, "name": "NHK-1998", "url": "https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/nhk_1998_pronunciations_index/releases/download/v1.1/NHK_main.zip" }, { "enabled": false, "name": "Shinmeikai-8", "url": "https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/shinmeikai_8_pronunciations_index/releases/download/v1.5/Shinmeikai-8_main.zip" }, { "enabled": false, "name": "Daijisen", "url": "https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/daijisen_pronunciations_index/releases/download/v1.0/Daijisen_main.zip" }, { "enabled": false, "name": "TAAS", "url": "https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/taas_pronunciations_index/releases/download/v1.0/TAAS_main.zip" } ], "audio_settings": { "dictionary_download_timeout": 30, "audio_download_timeout": 6, "attempts": 4, "maximum_results": 99, "ignore_inflections": false, "stop_if_one_source_has_results": false, "search_dialog_field_name": "VocabAudio", "tag_separator": "<br>" }, "definitions": { "timeout": 10, "remove_marks": true, "dict_name": "meikyou", "search_type": "exact", "source": "VocabKanji", "destination": "VocabDef", "behavior": "append" } }
AGAIN, restart your Anki (I know xD), then
>JPMN Manager
>Run batch command
> Paste thecommand
below: -
In your Anki's Main Window >
- In the left side under
Note Types
, Click onJP Mining Note
- Select all cards by clicking on 1 card and then
Ctrl + A
- In the left side under
In the toolbar on the top left, select
>AJT: Bulk-generate
- Wait for the process to finish
Done! To check if the card has no problem, view a card > check if the
icon on the top left isn't red
If you didn't update then the following features will be missing: (click here)
- Automatically generated furigana
- Devoiced and nasal information to pitch accents
- Less coverage on pitch accents
If you have any problems you can contact me on Discord: xelieu