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Setup: Anki

  • Anki is a SRS flash card program for card reviewing and the due dates are decided by the algorithm
  • Mobile is supported
  • Anki Light | Dark Mode

Download and Install

Setting Up

  1. Open Anki and create an account and profile by clicking the Sync button

    Anki Sync

  2. Extract Anki addons21.7z and paste the addons21 folder to C:\Users\**YourUser**\AppData\Roaming\Anki2

    Anki Addons

  3. Restart your Anki, then Ctrl + Shift + A OR Tools > Add-ons > Check for add-ons update

    • Update the addons then restart it again

    Anki Addons Update

  4. Download Lapis format

    • Scroll down to Assets, and look for Lapis.apkg

    lapis apkg

  5. Import Lapis.apkg to Anki

    lapis import

  6. Rename Lapis to Mining Deck

    Deck rename

  7. Go to your Deck's option then copy the settings below

    • (Top left) Tools > Preferences and set the settings accordingly
    • (Settings 2) Turn on FSRS

      • Put Desired Retention of 0.80
      • Tools > FSRS4Anki Helper > Load Balance when rescheduling
    • (Settings 2) Until after 1 month, use default parameters; after that:

      • Use Optimize and Compute minimum recommended retention every month
      • Replace the Desired retention after the computation
      • (Optional) Tools > FSRS4Anki Helper > Reschedule all Cards

    Anki Preference Settings

    Anki Settings 1

    Anki Settings 2

    Anki Settings 3

    Anki Settings 4

  8. Restart your Anki and it should be good to go

You now have an Anki Template, next is Yomitan

Proceed to Yomitan Setup

If you have any problems check FAQs or contact me on Discord: xelieu

Extra Info and Tips

Info 1: Anki Add-ons List

Anki Add-ons List (click here)

Here's the list of Anki Add-ons:

  • You can search them by clicking View Add-on Page to know more about them
  • Most of them are in Tools in the Taskbar

Anki Add-Ons

Info 2: Anki Light and Dark Mode

Anki Light and Dark Mode (click here)

To change the anki theme, go to Tools > Preferences > Theme

Anki Theme

Info 3: Retention How To

Retention How To (click here)

If you found yourself having low retention, go to Retention How-To for anki settings suggestions and other tips

Tip 1: When Reviewing on Anki

When Reviewing on Anki (click here)
  • Just use again (1 = I don't know the answer) or good (spacebar or 3 = I know the answer) button when doing the deck so you don't have to think about if it's easy (2) or hard (4)

Tip 2: Anki Pitch Accent Color

Anki Pitch Accent Color (click here)

When viewing a card, they are color assigned with the following:

Pitch Accent Reference


Question 1: Where should I put more image aside from screenshot?

Where should I put more image aside from screenshot (click here)
  • You can put multiple pictures in Picture in Anki > Browse > Select a Card

  • You can paste the image while reviewing by going Edit mode or E shortcut

Question 2: Where can I ask if something is wrong with my Lapis Anki Format?

Where can I ask if something is wrong with my Lapis Anki Format? (click here)

Question 3: How to change the styling like font or size?

How to change the styling like font or size? (click here)

Question 4: Can I rename the deck?

Can I rename the deck? (click here)
  • Technically yes, but I wouldn't recommend; you have to resetup Yomitan's Anki Card Format and Anki's Add-on AutoReorder

Question 5: How can I use sentence card?

How can I use sentence card? (click here)

If you haven't yet, please setup Yomitan first (The next guide after this)

Okay, I've already set it up! (click here)

In your Yomitan settings > Anki > configure Anki card format...

Sentence Card Instruction 1

In Terms scroll down and find IsSentenceCard and put 1 then close the window

Sentence Card Instruction 2

Now apply it on every profile under Editing Profile and make sure Monolingual, Bilingual, Android (Anime, LN & Manga) and Android (VN) got their config changed

Yomitan Profile